DBE at the Portland Tea Festival
DBE will be presenting in the British Tea Tent during the Festival. Whilst giving a talk about Afternoon Tea, a ‘cream tea’ will be served.
For more information, please go to https://www.teafestpdx.com/

Bake Sale Fundraiser at Celtic Faire (Day 2)
the DBE stand showing table of baked goods

British Holiday Tea and Bazaar
We are finally back to offering you our holiday tea, British style. Tickets for the tea are by advanced purchase only.
Tickets on Eventbrite You can also send a message to dbeinoregon@gmail.com
The Bazaar will also be for the public to come buy some holiday gifts!
We look forward to serving you.
DBE Home Bake Sale at the McMinnville Scottish Festival
Bake Sale Fundraiser
Come visit us at the McMinnville Festival of Clans at the Yamhill County Fairgrounds.
We will have a variety of baked goods ready for you to consume or take home.
Lovingly baked by our members.
All proceeds go to supporting the British Home in California (as part of our Western District) and local charities in Oregon.
The bake sale tent

State Board Meeting
The State Board will be meeting in Hillsboro, OR to discuss the business of the charity. This meeting is open to members only. Contact dbeinoregon@gmail.com for more information.

National Council, Mountbatten House, & Southern District Meetings
To register for the meeting, please visit the Members section of the National Website or speak with a State Board member to get the appropriate paperwork.

Oglethorpe Chapter Meeting
Join the ladies of Oglethorpe for their monthly meeting! Contact them at oglethorpeDBEGA@gmail.com to RSVP.

Runnymede Chapter Meeting
Join the ladies of Runnymede for their monthly meeting! Contact them at runnymedeDBEGA@gmail.com to RSVP.

Winship Chapter Meeting
Join the ladies of Winship for their monthly meeting! Contact them at winshipDBEGA@gmail.com to RSVP.